
Tag Archives: addiction recovery

Parenting For Positive Identity

Parenting for Positive Identity

Identity. It’s a complicated concept that defies easy definition. Yet it is at the heart of the lifelong question, “Who am I?” How we answer includes how much we value ourselves and how safe and competent we feel in the social world. Although it can and does change in response to life experience, the foundation[…]

Do You Need More Sleep?

Do you need more sleep

The answer is probably “yes.” The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has declared the national lack of sleep an “epidemic”. Let that sink in a minute. The CDC, the department focused on illness (and the prevention thereof), is using an incredibly strong term usually reserved for illnesses such as HIV and influenza. Yet, we throw away[…]

Reducing Stress: Coping With What You Can & Can’t Control

Reducing Stress Coping With What You Can & Can’t Control

Stress can lead us to skip self-care, bash our bodies and overeat. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed — and out of control. And that can seem like the worst feeling. Ever. You feel like you’re barreling through life on a train with no track, about to collide with anything and everything in your path.[…]

The Beauty of Food

The Beauty Of Food

In our society food has become a villain. A caloric-filled foe. A tease. A treat that we aren’t allowed to have, because it’ll inevitably go to our thighs, arms, behind, or belly. We curse food with its sinful ingredients of straight-to-your-hips sugars, bloat-inducing sodium, or pound-packing proteins. So we turn to sugar substitutes, fake ingredients[…]

15 Ways to Show Yourself & Your Loved Ones Some Love

15 Ways To Show Yourself & Your Loved Ones Some Love

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! In honor of V-Day, below are 15 ways that you can show yourself and your loved ones tons of love – not just today but every day. Hope this brings you some inspiration! 1. Cook a delicious meal and savor it. Eat mindfully, savor the taste, texture, and smell of your foods.[…]

What Makes You Feel Beautiful?

What Makes You Feel Beautiful

I found this great article on Real Simple where female writers share what makes them feel beautiful. The responses range from something a husband said to his writer wife — a week before he passed away — to the importance of physical activity during another writer’s brutal chemotherapy treatments to the realization that one writer’s ugly feet really are[…]

Addicted to Exercise

Addicted to Exercise

When working out shifts from a healthy habit to obsession Do you think it would be great to love exercising so much you couldn’t quit? Does the image of a svelte waistline, slender hips, and shapely legs bring a smile to your face? Think again. That image of beauty may be an unrealistic, media-provoked goal.[…]

All About Eating Disorders

All About Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders. Anorexia involves people who intentionally starve themselves when they are already underweight. Individuals with anorexia have a bodyweight that is 15 percent or more below recommended levels (as determined by a standard height-weight table). People suffering from this disorder have an intense fear of becoming fat, even when they are[…]

Body Image & Reality: Changing Perspectives?

Body Image & Reality Changing Perspectives

More than 300 million adults worldwide are overweight, and they’re increasingly failing to recognize the problem, a recent survey has found. The data comes from 853 men and 944 women living in Great Britain in 1999, and 847 men and 989 women in 2007. In 2007, of those who are overweight, only 75 percent realized they fall[…]

Addiction: A Whole New View

Addiction A Whole New View

We’re all capable of being addicts. Here’s the lowdown on our fight against addiction. Our addiction theories and policies are woefully outdated. Research shows that there are no demon drugs. Nor are addicts innately defective. Nature has supplied us all with the ability to become hooked—and we all engage in addictive behaviors to some degree. Millions[…]

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