24/7 Emergency Services

24/7 Emergency Services
24/7 Emergency Services our team provides urgent help to people who are experiencing a psychiatric emergency at home by offering instant intervention services and resourceful support until stabilization. Our team will medicate a disruptive patient, take him into safe custody, and hospitalize him until the crisis resolves. All of us experience crises in our own way. You might feel that a loved one’s mental health is steadily deteriorating, he is at a breaking point, or his stability is badly shaken by something that happened in his life. Don’t wait for a miracle to happen. Take the initiative. If you are unable to cope or you want to keep yourself safe, it’s very important to ask us for help. In mental health terms, a crisis does not necessarily refer to an accident, natural disaster, or some traumatic event. A psychiatric crisis usually emerges from the disruptive behavior of a loved one. It can be domestic violence, deliberate self-harm, suicidal intent or attempt, psychotic depression, threatened honor killing, home run away, and outrageous behaviors resulting from addiction/alcoholism.
If the crisis is left untreated, it can lead to irreparable damage or maybe a loss of a precious life. Here at Willing Ways, we provide the safe, pertinent, and timely assessment of patient’s symptoms and their resolution. Our staff is responsible for providing effective services for clients, which include emergency relief, hospitalization, and reconciliation amongst family members who are torn apart by a psychiatric crisis through ongoing counseling and other essential forms of assistance. Once we are done with crisis management, we suggest further full treatment. If the family does not opt for it, we immediately discharge the patient. However, we are very much there to help them in every possible way on an outdoor basis. Our response is quick in every psychiatric crisis you might face. Apart from the expected time required to reach you, our trained team needs no extra time to reach you for very meaningful help. Moreover, in between, we will be there to give you situational counseling telephonically.
To ask for help in a crisis, please click on Contact Us and dial the number closest to your location. We are just a call away.