
Tag Archives: addiction treatment

Addiction: A Whole New View

Addiction A Whole New View

We’re all capable of being addicts. Here’s the lowdown on our fight against addiction. Our addiction theories and policies are woefully outdated. Research shows that there are no demon drugs. Nor are addicts innately defective. Nature has supplied us all with the ability to become hooked—and we all engage in addictive behaviors to some degree. Millions[…]

Compulsive Choices in Addiction?

Compulsive Choices in Addiction

How Do I Approach Clients Who Feel Out of Control? Is addiction an issue of bad choices or is it a case of biological, compulsive, necessity? If you know anything about me and my views, you know that I think little of anyone who tries to separate these. I see and talk to people all the time who are stuck in compulsive[…]

Making Progress in Writing & Recovery

Making Progress in Writing and Recovery

Writers & Loved Ones Should Embrace “Progress Not Perfection” I write and I recover from a loved one’s addiction. Granted there are significant differences between the two, but several similarities. I struggle to master both. And let me tell you, it’s hard. Fran Simone is Professor Emeritus from Marshall University, South Charleston Campus, West Virginia where she[…]

Alcohol in the Human Body: An Odyssey!

Alcohol in the Human Body An Odyssey

Dr. Sadaqat Ali: Unlike anything else we eat, alcohol is absorbed differently, is eliminated differently, and affects us all in a different way as well. More information on all of these issues means better decisions when it comes to drinking. We all drink water and it is important to us. We know its significance, but[…]

What Science Tells Us About Treatment of Addiction

What Science Tells Us About Treatment of Addiction

A Response to a Recent “debunking” of The 12-Step Program By John F. Kelly and Gene Beresin In a recent National Public Radio show on WBUR Radio Boston, Dr. Lance Dodes discussed his new book which attempts to debunk the science related to the effectiveness of 12-step mutual-help programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), as[…]

Is Addiction a Disability or Just Unacceptable Behavior?

Is Addiction a Disability or Just Unacceptable Behavior

When Should Addicts Be Protected By Disability Laws? In Oregon, a police officer was fired in 2011 for driving an unmarked police car under the influence while off-duty. He refused a field sobriety test after driving the vehicle into a ditch. The arresting officer commented that the man was one of the most impaired people he’d ever[…]

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