Life Strategies Work Method
Following are the life laws with the one-liner strategy explainer adopted from Dr. Phil’s online blog:

Life’s Law #1
You either have it, or you don’t.
Become one of those who has it.

Life’s Law #2
You bring into existence your own experience.
You admit the existence or truth and accept responsibility for your life.

Life’s Law #3
People do what works.
Recognize the final outcome or result that drives your behavior and others.

Life’s Law #4
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Get practical with yourself about your life and all the people in it.

Life’s Law #5
Life only gives rewards for actions.
Make cautious decisions and then pull the trigger.

Life’s Law #6
There is no reality; only perception.
Identify the filters through which you view the world.

Life’s Law #7
Life is handled, it is not cured.
Learn to take responsibility for your life.

Life’s Law #8
We teach people how to behave with us.
Accept, instead of expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about how people treat you.

Life’s Law #9
There is power in forgiveness.
Be aware of what anger and resentments are harming you.

Life’s Law #10
You have to label it yours before you can claim it.
Get transparent about what you want and succeed.