
Tag Archives: addiction

27 Things People With a Positive Body Image Know

27 Things People With A Positive Body Image Know

I used to think that people who are thin and muscular (and thereby fit our odd, ridiculous Western standards) absolutely love their bodies. How could they not? I also used to think that I couldn’t love or even like or even accept my body until I lost weight, until I actually deserved to love it.[…]

Parenting For Positive Identity

Parenting for Positive Identity

Identity. It’s a complicated concept that defies easy definition. Yet it is at the heart of the lifelong question, “Who am I?” How we answer includes how much we value ourselves and how safe and competent we feel in the social world. Although it can and does change in response to life experience, the foundation[…]

Do You Need More Sleep?

Do you need more sleep

The answer is probably “yes.” The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has declared the national lack of sleep an “epidemic”. Let that sink in a minute. The CDC, the department focused on illness (and the prevention thereof), is using an incredibly strong term usually reserved for illnesses such as HIV and influenza. Yet, we throw away[…]

Making Wise Decisions

Making Wise Decisions

One of the ways we can lead a fulfilling and nourishing life is by making decisions that honor us. Every day — even every hour — is another opportunity to make a decision that honors our needs, desires, intentions and well-being. But sometimes decisions seem utterly overwhelming. And depending on the kind of mood we’re[…]

All About Eating Disorders

All About Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders. Anorexia involves people who intentionally starve themselves when they are already underweight. Individuals with anorexia have a bodyweight that is 15 percent or more below recommended levels (as determined by a standard height-weight table). People suffering from this disorder have an intense fear of becoming fat, even when they are[…]

Addiction: A Whole New View

Addiction A Whole New View

We’re all capable of being addicts. Here’s the lowdown on our fight against addiction. Our addiction theories and policies are woefully outdated. Research shows that there are no demon drugs. Nor are addicts innately defective. Nature has supplied us all with the ability to become hooked—and we all engage in addictive behaviors to some degree. Millions[…]

Inside The Addict’s Brain

Inside the Addict’s Brain

A Candid Look At The Brainon Drugs Many details have recently been worked out describing events in any brain exposed to the most common addictive drugs: heroin, morphine, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and alcohol (all depressants that slow down processes in the brain and central nervous system); and cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, and marijuana (all stimulants that generally excite them). As the target organ[…]

When Technology Addiction Takes Over Your Life

When Technology Addiction Takes Over Your Life

Are you a tangled mess of BlackBerrys, emails, PDAs, iPhones, laptops, and cell phones? Here’s how to untangle your life and find a healthy balance. Jenn Hoffman, the Phoenix-based CEO of The J Brand Group, should have been enjoying a relaxing vacation on the Cote d’Azur. Sipping champagne and nibbling on cheese at the posh[…]

Compulsive Choices in Addiction?

Compulsive Choices in Addiction

How Do I Approach Clients Who Feel Out of Control? Is addiction an issue of bad choices or is it a case of biological, compulsive, necessity? If you know anything about me and my views, you know that I think little of anyone who tries to separate these. I see and talk to people all the time who are stuck in compulsive[…]

Dopamine: Why It’s So Hard to “Just Say No”

Dopamine Why It’s So Hard to “Just Say No”

Recovering From Addiction is About Healing Mind, Body & Life “Why doesn’t s/he just stop when s/he knows how much it’s hurting me?” This is one of the most common questions asked by those who love someone addicted to substances and/or harmful behaviors. It might be helpful for those loved ones to know that stopping isn’t simply[…]

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