
Tag Archives: relationship

Reducing Stress: Coping With What You Can & Can’t Control

Reducing Stress Coping With What You Can & Can’t Control

Stress can lead us to skip self-care, bash our bodies and overeat. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed — and out of control. And that can seem like the worst feeling. Ever. You feel like you’re barreling through life on a train with no track, about to collide with anything and everything in your path.[…]

What Makes Marriage Work?

What Makes Marriage Work

It’s How You Resolve Conflict That Matters Most Research indicates you can get mad as hell or avoid conflict altogether. But the positivity must outweigh the negativity by five to one. If you are worried about the future of your marriage or relationship, you have plenty of company. There’s no denying that this is a frightening time[…]

The Myth of Motivation

The Myth of Motivation

Stop Searching For Motivation &Start Taking Massive Action True or false? In order to get anything done, do you have to feel motivated to do it first? FALSE. However, if you’re like most people out there, you answered true and are more likely to fall into the motivation trap! What is the motivation trap? The motivation trap,[…]

Teach Your Teen About Alcohol

Teach Your Teen About Alcohol

One In Five Teens Will Get Into a Car With A Driver Who Has Been Drinking You might think high school drinking is probably harmless. But consider these numbers. In a 2015 survey of U.S. high schoolers by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18 percent reported downing five or more drinks in a two-hour stretch—in other words,.binge drinking. Almost[…]

Is Fear of Emotion Driving Our Addiction?

Is Fear of Emotion Driving Our Addiction

How Facing Our Emotions Helps Us Fight Addiction As human beings, the deepest, most core conflict we face is whether or not to feel. Do we seek vitality, love, passion, compassion, and the unpredictable roller coaster that comes with being engaged in life and emotion? Or do we engage in behavior that detaches us from the[…]

Are You ‘Addicted’ to Chaos?

Are You ‘Addicted’ to Chaos

Is ‘Chaos Addiction’ Another Term For ‘Workaholism’ or Something Different? Last year, three independent things happened that led me to write this article. Firstly, I received an email from one of my blog readers who wrote: “I’m a recovering addict. I still find that hard to admit even after time in therapy and the support of my[…]

10 Reasons Why Some of Us Are So Vulnerable to Depression

10 Reasons Why Some of Us Are So Vulnerable to Depression

Stuck in Negative Thoughts They Can’t Escape, Many Fall Prey to Sadness People’s thoughts and attitudes explain why some develop depression following stressful life events. The following list provides an overview of various vulnerability factors that put a person at risk for developing depression. There are indications that these distorted beliefs precede the initial onset of depression. Thus, improving faulty thinking may[…]

Train Your Brain to Release Stress.

Train Your Brain to Release Stress

Feel Better Faster With New Techniques From EBT ​Stress is getting to us!  New data are showing that stress is getting under our skin and causing even more serious problems than we had thought. Laurel Mellin, Ph.D., is an Associate Clinical Professor at UC San Francisco. She is also the Founder of Emotional Brain Training, www.ebt.org. Editor: Muhammad Talha At the very[…]

6 Strategies to Communicate With Anger Addicts

6 Strategies to Communicate With Anger Addicts

How to Deal With Angry Controlling People Anger can tyrannize relationships. One woman I treated had stopped having any male friends because she was afraid of her partner’s unrelenting jealous anger. If she went to lunch, for instance, with a male colleague from work her partner would barrage her with cell phone messages during the meal. Initially, unable[…]

Are More Intelligent People More Likely to be Alcoholics?

Are More Intelligent People More Likely to be Alcoholics

Are Smarter People More Likely to Harm Themselves With Drugs & Alcohol? Dr. Kanazawa has reissued his assertion that more intelligent people binge drink and get drunk more, according to the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health).  The following data from that study relate childhood IQ to binge drinking and drunkenness: “Very dull” Add Health respondents (with childhood IQ[…]

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