
Tag Archives: parenting

Parenting For Positive Identity

Parenting for Positive Identity

Identity. It’s a complicated concept that defies easy definition. Yet it is at the heart of the lifelong question, “Who am I?” How we answer includes how much we value ourselves and how safe and competent we feel in the social world. Although it can and does change in response to life experience, the foundation[…]

What Parents Need to Know About Underage Drinking.

What Parents Need to Know About Underage Drinking

Here Are Four Tips For Parents When Talking to Their Kids About Alcohol I am an alcoholic. Seventeen years and nine-ish months ago, I quit a 2-liter of hard liquor a day habit. I started drinking when I was 11 and spent the years up until I decided to quit getting drunk every opportunity I got. It[…]

Parenting a Substance Abuser

Parenting a Substance Abuser

What To Expect on This Emotional Roller Coaster Parenting is an inherently guilt-inducing endeavor. Whether it’s a skinned knee or a failing grade, parents find it hard to resist blaming themselves for their children’s struggles. It’s true that parents have a strong impact on who their children become. Parents who read to their children produce early[…]

Parenting Away From Addiction

Parenting Away From Addiction

You Have an Opportunity to Parent Such That Your Children Do Not Become Addicts I am the father of two small children, an infant, and a preschooler. And although I am a relatively new parent, I’ve learned a great deal about parenting over the years. Some of what I learned was gleaned from what my parents did[…]

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