
Tag Archives: Mental Health

Coffee is a Drug Not a Beverage, Drink Up! Just Not Too Much

Coffee is a Drug Not a Beverage, Drink Up Just Not Too Much

Coffee Has Novel Application For Detoxification Introduction to Coffee Coffee is a drug, not a beverage. Thus, it should be used as a drug, sparingly and only for specific purposes to alter consciousness, consciously. In this review, I will explore the health benefits (and challenges) of oral coffee and the benefits of coffee when used as enemas. Dr.[…]

Preventing Hangovers

Preventing Hangovers

Many Remedies Are Applied, Few Work We live in a society that encourages overindulgence in alcohol almost as much as overindulgence in food. When citizens drink too much, they can expect a hangover with adverse effects on productivity, health, and well-being. A hangover is characterized by a general sense of malaise accompanied by headache, digestive upset, nausea, fatigue, and[…]

The Myth of Motivation

The Myth of Motivation

Stop Searching For Motivation &Start Taking Massive Action True or false? In order to get anything done, do you have to feel motivated to do it first? FALSE. However, if you’re like most people out there, you answered true and are more likely to fall into the motivation trap! What is the motivation trap? The motivation trap,[…]

How to Win The Smartphone-Brain Battle

How to Win the Smartphone-Brain Battle

New Research Explains How To Beat Brain Hackers At Their Own Game A 60 Minutes story aired on April 9focused on how Silicon Valley is engineering your smartphone, apps, and social media platforms to get you hooked. The gist was that programmers are aware of what they need to do to make your brain addicted to their creations—and that they[…]

Early Diagnosis of Alcoholism

Early Diagnosis of Alcoholism

An important Clue Alcoholism is defined usually as the abuse of alcohol to the extent that it interferes with physical health and with the social aspects of life, including work. It is compulsive and potentially addictive. It can be present in different ways. Some individuals never drink during the day, but drink every night to the point of oblivion. Others[…]

Video Game Addiction

Video Game Addiction

Video Games Create Addictions Akin to Drug Addiction If you don’t think kids get hooked on video games, think again. If you Google “video game addiction,” you will find more than a dozen pages of Web sites dealing with this issue. There are also many pages of formal research papers found via a search on Google[…]

There’s No One Addictive Personality

There’s No One Addictive Personality

Depending on How You Define an Addiction, 15 to 60 Percent of Us Have One You’ll hear that a group of people have an “addictive personality” and sometimes hear that they’re neurotic, dishonest, and selfish. Don’t believe it. Temma Ehrenfeld is a writer and editor.  As a journalist, she covers health, psychology, and personal finance. Her work has appeared[…]

The Neuroscience of Wanting & Pleasure

The Neuroscience of Wanting & Pleasure

Wanting & Liking Are The Basis of Motivation, Our Psychological Oxygen Humans must find the motivation to continue the journey of life. Motivation to go to work, to parent, to invest in costly long-term relationships, and motivation to wake up every morning and give life another shot. Some aspects of these life tasks must be rewarding for people[…]

10 Patterns of Addictive Behavior

10 Patterns of Addictive Behavior

How Do You Know You Have an Addiction? Drawing from research on addiction in neuroscience, psychology, and clinical practice, the following list identifies several key behavioral patterns associated with addiction: Shahram Heshmat, Ph.D., is an associate professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Springfield with a Ph.D. in Managerial Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He specializes in the Health Economics[…]

How Exercise Can Help Keep You Drug-Free

How Exercise Can Help Keep You Drug-Free

Working Out in Recovery Eating, sleeping, and feeling healthy may seem like normal parts of life, but being able to function effectively on a day-to-day basis should not be taken for granted. Like so many other medical problems, addiction interferes with an individual’s normal physical functioning. Instead of eating properly or seeking intimate partnerships or healthy relationships, addiction overrides[…]

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