
Tag Archives: Mental Health

Why We Need Silence to Survive

Why We Need Silence to Survive

We Need Silence–for All Our Senses–to Live Well I blogged earlier about how chronic, even low-level noise boosts stress levels, which in turn trigger health problems such as hypertension(link is external). My awareness of this in my own life caused me recently to embark on a year-long search for silence, both as an antidote to noise and stress and as a way[…]

Getting Rid of Sugar Addiction

Getting Rid of Sugar Addiction

Thousands of years ago, humans tended to consume sugar found naturally in food and it did not cause many problems. Now things have changed over a period of several years, and it is estimated that around one-third of our calories are derived from refined sugar and white flour. However, our bodies were not designed to[…]

Why Teens Addict: The Elusive Search For Happiness

Why teens addict The elusive search for happiness

Addiction, Happiness & Youth Happiness. We all want it. If you were born in America you learned early that happiness is not only your right but a national obsession as well. Indeed, not only do we individually spend huge amounts of time, energy, and money becoming and staying happy, corporations spend equal amounts of these[…]

Chronic Personality Problems in Problem Relationships

Chronic Personality Problems in Problem Relationships

How Can Chronic Personality Problems Impact Problem Relationships? A large portion of abusers (although not all) have some similar identifying disorders, traits, or diagnoses. They are not all created equal. That means each one of them brings a unique combination of traits, challenges, and problems to the equation of the relationship and even therapy. Therefore,[…]

The Visible Need Not Apply

The Visible Need Not Apply

Healthy Behavior Comes in All Kinds of Packages I would personally like to thank Congress and, most especially, President Obama, for finally passing a national health care package, as imperfect as it may be.  National Health is not merely a social issue but a Constitutional one, to my mind, in that it begins to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings[…]

Parenting: Raise Excellent — Not Perfect — Children

Parenting Raise Excellent — Not Perfect — Children

Are Your Children Perfect, or Just Excellent? Perfectionism is one of the most destructive diseases among American children today. Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. One edge of the sword drives children to be perfect. These children push themselves to get straight A’s, be top athletes, and save the world on weekends. The other edge of[…]

Going to Extremes

Going to Extremes

New Studies Reveal That Too Much Exercise Can Be Detrimental to Your Health The subject of beauty, especially as it radiates outward from the recesses of our minds, behavior, and life choices, is my passion. I’ve been known to take that passion to extremes on occasion: traveling from pillar to post speaking about my book, The[…]

Excessive Optimism Leads to Even More Drinking

Excessive Optimism Leads to Even More Drinking

A significant piece of everybody’s self-concept is a feeling of how we contrast with others in our behaviors and practices. A typical perception is that numerous individuals are excessively hopeful or optimistic in their judgments about themselves with respect to others. For instance, by and large, individuals think they will probably be fruitful in business[…]

Heads I Win; Tails You Lose

Heads I Win Tails You Lose

“gambling is a Principle Inherent in Human Nature” — Edmund Burke “One of the healthiest ways to gamble iswith a spade and a package of garden seeds.”Dan Bennett Compulsive or pathologic gambling is the addiction marked by a nagging inability to resist the temptation to gamble. Up to 3 percent of the adult population are known to[…]

What Factors Cause Conflicts in a Family Business?

What Factors Cause Conflicts in a Family Business

“What Factors Cause Conflicts in a Family Business?” For the past two centuries, family businesses have sprung up all over the world. Advancement in technology and ease of communication are two major factors that have helped family businesses to expand and evolve. If we take a closer look at history books, we can see that kings used[…]

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