
Tag Archives: anxious

There’s No One Addictive Personality

There’s No One Addictive Personality

Depending on How You Define an Addiction, 15 to 60 Percent of Us Have One You’ll hear that a group of people have an “addictive personality” and sometimes hear that they’re neurotic, dishonest, and selfish. Don’t believe it. Temma Ehrenfeld is a writer and editor.  As a journalist, she covers health, psychology, and personal finance. Her work has appeared[…]

The Workaholic Breakdown – The Loss of Spirituality

The Workaholic Breakdown – The Loss of Spirituality

The Loss of Spirituality Makes It Doubly Hard to Recover From Workaholism When work becomes the “sacred cow,” personal and often professional values change. Faith often weakens because little energy is left over to pursue and find the spiritual side of life. For those who have lost their spirituality, or never had it, this is a[…]

Anxious: 4 Examples of Anxiety Treatments that Calm Nerves

Anxious 4 Examples of Anxiety Treatments that Calm Nerves

Stress, Anxiety, Nerves…Trade in Your Worries For Confidence & Courage Whether what you worry about marriage problems, money problems, relationship tensions, kids, health,  work, or yet another negative situation that seems to be steaming your way, worrying and the anxiety that worries engender are a physically unpleasant, stressful, and unproductive use of your energies. This article explores alternatives[…]

Getting Rid of Sugar Addiction

Getting Rid of Sugar Addiction

Thousands of years ago, humans tended to consume sugar found naturally in food and it did not cause many problems. Now things have changed over a period of several years, and it is estimated that around one-third of our calories are derived from refined sugar and white flour. However, our bodies were not designed to[…]

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