
Tag Archives: drug addiction

Video Game Addiction

Video Game Addiction

Video Games Create Addictions Akin to Drug Addiction If you don’t think kids get hooked on video games, think again. If you Google “video game addiction,” you will find more than a dozen pages of Web sites dealing with this issue. There are also many pages of formal research papers found via a search on Google[…]

Feeding Your Addiction

Feeding Your Addiction

Distinguishing Between Food & Drug Addiction Research is beginning to uncover that the brain reward systems responsible for making drugs of abuse so addictive are the same pleasure systems that are activated by the foods we eat. While it’s easy to list differences between foods and drugs our brains can have a very hard time differentiating between the pleasure derived from[…]

3 Challenges Obesity & Drug Addiction Share

3 Challenges Obesity & Drug Addiction Share

Obesity is a Completely Different Health Condition Than Addiction People who struggle to control their weight are often blamed for their own condition. “Why would you do that to yourself?” the uninformed bystander thinks, wondering why someone who begins to gain weight wouldn’t just start eating more vegetables. In reality, each person’s average weight is[…]

Making Mountains Out of Molehills and Ending Up in Hell!

Making Mountains out of Molehills and Ending up in Hell!

Catastrophizing is a Pattern Of Thinking That Distresses & Debilitates There’s a small stain on the carpet. What if someone hacks into my computer and steals my bank details? Will I be late for work if the clocks in the house aren’t accurate? There’s a slight scratch on the car; you need to look very[…]

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