
Tag Archives: emotional

27 Things People With a Positive Body Image Know

27 Things People With A Positive Body Image Know

I used to think that people who are thin and muscular (and thereby fit our odd, ridiculous Western standards) absolutely love their bodies. How could they not? I also used to think that I couldn’t love or even like or even accept my body until I lost weight, until I actually deserved to love it.[…]

Are More Intelligent People More Likely to be Alcoholics?

Are More Intelligent People More Likely to be Alcoholics

Are Smarter People More Likely to Harm Themselves With Drugs & Alcohol? Dr. Kanazawa has reissued his assertion that more intelligent people binge drink and get drunk more, according to the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health).  The following data from that study relate childhood IQ to binge drinking and drunkenness: “Very dull” Add Health respondents (with childhood IQ[…]

Being “Sober” Versus Being in “Recovery”

Being “Sober” Versus Being in “Recovery”

What’s The Difference Between Being “Sober” Versus Being in “Recovery”? There is an important distinction between being “sober” and being in “recovery”. The differences are clear to those who have experienced both phases in their healing process from alcoholism. When an alcoholic is “sober” from alcohol without attending a mutual-help program, therapy, medication management, and/or treatment then they are in a[…]

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