
Tag Archives: emotions

What Parents Need to Know About Underage Drinking.

What Parents Need to Know About Underage Drinking

Here Are Four Tips For Parents When Talking to Their Kids About Alcohol I am an alcoholic. Seventeen years and nine-ish months ago, I quit a 2-liter of hard liquor a day habit. I started drinking when I was 11 and spent the years up until I decided to quit getting drunk every opportunity I got. It[…]

Is Hoarding an Addiction or Purely a Compulsive Behavior?

Is Hoarding an Addiction or Purely a Compulsive Behavior

Is There a Difference? What comes to mind when you read the word “addiction?” Does it make you think of repetitive use of alcohol and drugs despite negative consequences? Or do you think of shopping, sexual activity, video games, and gambling at an alarmingly high rate? How about “compulsive hoarding?” Is hoarding an addiction or purely a compulsive[…]

The Meaning of Deja Vu

The Meaning of Deja Vu

What is Deja Vu & How Do I Recognize & Use it in My Life “Deja Vu” is a common intuitive experience that has happened to many of us. The expression is derived from the French, meaning “already seen.” When it occurs, it seems to spark our memory of a place we have already been, a person[…]

Do You Have a Digital Addiction?

Do you have a digital addiction

Are You Digitally Addicted? Hours-long Internet surfing that contributes to severe weight loss or gain, obsessive e-mail checking, and freaking out (beyond the initial few minutes) when your cell phone goes missing may be signs that you have a digital addiction. Executive Director Cosette Dawna Rae, MSW, LSWAIC heads up an Internet addiction recovery program called RESTART[…]

The Visible Need Not Apply

The Visible Need Not Apply

Healthy Behavior Comes in All Kinds of Packages I would personally like to thank Congress and, most especially, President Obama, for finally passing a national health care package, as imperfect as it may be.  National Health is not merely a social issue but a Constitutional one, to my mind, in that it begins to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings[…]

Parenting: Raise Excellent — Not Perfect — Children

Parenting Raise Excellent — Not Perfect — Children

Are Your Children Perfect, or Just Excellent? Perfectionism is one of the most destructive diseases among American children today. Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. One edge of the sword drives children to be perfect. These children push themselves to get straight A’s, be top athletes, and save the world on weekends. The other edge of[…]

5 Steps To Changing Any Behavior

5 Steps To Changing Any Behavior

Taking Advantage of The Way The Mind Works to Yield Change 5 Steps To Changing Any Behavior: From quitting smoking to eating healthier to exercising regularly to getting more organized, most of us have a list of behaviors we’d like to begin (or end) that resist our attempts to do so. As a physician, I find myself[…]

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