
Tag Archives: Anxiety

Can You Really Become Addicted to the Internet?

Can You Really Become Addicted to the Internet

New Study Finds Many College Students Are Addicted to The Internet Imagine what it would be like not to have access to the Internet or your cell phone for 24 hours. To me the idea sounds wonderful; for many college students, however, such an idea sounds perverse. According to a University of Maryland study released last year,[…]

Is Gambling Addictive? What Do addicted Gamblers Look Like?

Is Gambling Addictive What do addicted gamblers look like

Casino Gambling, Unlike Drinking, Has No Redeeming Social Value The new American Psychiatric Association diagnostic manual, DSM-5, scheduled for publication in May 2013, for the first time specifies that an activity not involving a substance can be addictive – namely compulsive gambling. Of course, Charles O’Brien, who heads DSM-5’s Substance-Related Disorders Work Group, had to jump through intellectual and scientific[…]

Failure Can Become Freedom

Failure Can Become Freedom

Failure Can Become Freedom: 5 Tips for Overcoming Impulsivity Losing your fear of failure can be very freeing. Being a failure phobic can lead to avoiding risk, which is necessary for success. The best way to get over any fear is “exposure therapy” – being exposed to failure and realizing it doesn’t have to stop you. Lara[…]

How Mindless Leaders Can Create Workplace Problems

How mindless leaders can create workplace problems

Why We Need Mindful Leaders Most leadership books and training programs focus on how leaders can achieve more—do more, better, faster, with spectacular results. We’ve become obsessed with continuous improvement at increasing speed, with resulting rising stress levels to leaders and their followers and deteriorating relationships.  Mindfulness as both a leadership practice and workplace culture holds the promise to bring back balance and[…]

Do Personality Disorders Ever “Go Away?”

Do Personality Disorders Ever Go Away

Do Symptoms of Personality Disorders Change Over Time? Personality disorders involve long-term, problematic behaviors that typically are first exhibited during adolescence and cause marked distress and impairment.  The very definition of personality disorders as “chronic maladaptive patterns of behavior” implies that symptoms are stable over time; however, recent studies indicate that symptoms improve and may even completely remit[…]

Managing Chronic Pain

Managing Chronic Pain

A Surprising Treatment For Chronic Pain I have a small cohort of patients who suffer chronic pain so intense and unremitting it prevents them from living normally. They often don’t work, shop, go to restaurants or movies, leave their homes or sometimes even their beds except to visit doctors, or have meaningful relationships outside their immediate family,[…]

Beat Addictions and Procrastination

Beat Addictions and Procrastination

Three Minute Refutations (TMR) Involve a Powerful Exercise For Changing Your Addictive Thinking While the Three Minute Exercise (in my book, Three Minute Therapy see pp. 9,18, 32, 40, etc.) helps you dispute your demands–your “musts” and “shoulds”–Three Minute Refutations targets your rationalizations or excuses, which arise from your demands. (Also available at www.ThreeMinuteTherapy.com) Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., is a clinical[…]

Is Hoarding an Addiction or Purely a Compulsive Behavior?

Is Hoarding an Addiction or Purely a Compulsive Behavior

Is There a Difference? What comes to mind when you read the word “addiction?” Does it make you think of repetitive use of alcohol and drugs despite negative consequences? Or do you think of shopping, sexual activity, video games, and gambling at an alarmingly high rate? How about “compulsive hoarding?” Is hoarding an addiction or purely a compulsive[…]

The Five things Most likely to Ruin Your Child’s Life

The Five things Most likely to Ruin Your Child’s Life

Rich ہr Poor, Adverse Childhood Experiences Predict Future Problems Research on what is called “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) is showing that there is a shortlist of five things that happen to children when they are with families that are very likely to cause them mental and physical health problems later in life. In fact, the relationship between these factors[…]

People, Places, and Things – How Important are Drug-Related Triggers For Relapse?

People, places, and things – How important are drug-related triggers for relapse

Drug Associated Triggers Are Powerful Re-activators of Addictive Behavior In cognitive-behavioral therapy they’re a big part of the “Five W’s” = When, Where, Why, With, and What. In the various 12-step programs they’re simply referred to as “People, places, and things.” But no matter how you refer to them, drug-associated cues, or “triggers” as they[…]

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