
Tag Archives: Excessive drinking

Alcohol Hangover: Hanging Over The Commode or What?

Alcohol Hangover Hanging over the commode or what

Some people wake up “the morning after the drinking” with a throbbing headache, a sick nauseous stomach, and a fluffy tongue. Veisalgia is the little-known medical term for this condition, but the rest of us call it a hangover. Why is it called a hangover? While some believe it refers to “hanging over” the commode,[…]

The Five things Most likely to Ruin Your Child’s Life

The Five things Most likely to Ruin Your Child’s Life

Rich ہr Poor, Adverse Childhood Experiences Predict Future Problems Research on what is called “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) is showing that there is a shortlist of five things that happen to children when they are with families that are very likely to cause them mental and physical health problems later in life. In fact, the relationship between these factors[…]

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