
Tag Archives: Association

More Intelligent People Are More Likely to Binge Drink and Get Drunk

More Intelligent People Are More Likely to Binge Drink and Get Drunk

Intelligent People Are More Likely to Do Stupid Things Not only are more intelligent individuals more likely to consume more alcohol more frequently, but they are also more likely to engage in binge drinking and to get drunk. In an earlier post, I show that consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, more intelligent individuals consume larger quantities of alcohol[…]

Correlation, Causation, and Association

Correlation, causation, and association

Let’s Clear Something Up, Correlation isn’t Causation, But It’s Important! A comment posted by a reader on a recent post reprimanded me for suggesting that marijuana caused relationships to go bad. In this instance the reader was mistaken, as I had specifically used the word “associated”, but the comment made me think that maybe I should explain the differences between[…]

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