
Author Archives: rccjaved

Role of Intervention in Addiction Treatment

Role of Intervention in Addiction Treatment |

What is an intervention? Intervention at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi is a scientific structure to intervene in order to bring betterment to anything. It is helpful in every aspect of life, whether it occurs in the workplace, organization, medical treatment, or any relationship. By intervening, we target problematic behavior, which destroys the[…]

Tips Help to Communicate Effectively with Drug Addicts

Tips Help to Communicate Effectively with Drug Addicts |

Families of drug addicts find it horrible to communicate with the addict. That is because they do not know how to communicate with the person suffering from addiction. They never learned the tools for treating someone suffering from addiction. Seek professional support from the best addiction treatment center in Lahore for comprehensive care and management.[…]

Bipolar Disorder as a Psychiatric Condition Explained

Bipolar Disorder as a Psychiatric Condition Explained |

In Disorder, there are two poles. One pole is manic, and the other one is a depressive episode. In this Disorder, a person shifts between these two poles. These manic and depressive episodes may appear many times in a year or rarely in a year. As all psychiatric disorders are not curable but manageable because[…]

Digital Detox: Overcoming Smartphone Addiction

Digital Detox: Overcoming Smartphone Addiction |

The Rise of Smartphone Addiction Smartphones, tablets, and computers have so many advantages, but excessive usage of these gadgets can have a negative impact on relationships, jobs, and education. There are also effective sleep apnea treatments available for children that are crucial for the well-being and development of your children. After all, it’s usually the[…]

Post-Rehab Recovery Dos and Don’ts

WillingWays Lahore addiction treatment center

Post-Rehab Recovery Dos and Don’ts Over here at Willing Ways Lahore, they offer comprehensive counseling services for persons during their post-rehab journey. After taking inpatient treatment, there is a new start, called post rehab journey, as treatment is divided into two phases 1. In patient 2. Outdoor (post-rehab) both have Their importance. Still, post-rehab is[…]

Strategies to Make the Treatment Successful

Strategies to Make the Treatment Successful |

“Recovery is our lifelong process”                             Most people need clarification on this phrase. They think we need to be in a rehab center for a lifetime. But it means to be to make treatment successful recovery for the whole of life as addiction generates and affects the person gradually, same as that recovery comes slowly[…]

Long Term Scars of a Wounded Childhood

Long Term Scars of a Wounded Childhood pic

All children are born with tender bodies, positively curious minds, pure hearts and innocent souls. However, this world tends to put their bodies, minds, hearts and souls at risk to be scarred, wounded and tarnished with harsh tones, neglect, criticism, bullying, naming and shaming, all kinds of abuse, comparison, perfectionism, violence or any form of[…]

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