
Understand Adolescents & Their Drug Addiction

Understand adolescents and their drug addiction

One developmental stage that has been shown to be particularly stressful is adolescence (American Psychological Association, 2016; Arnett, 2000; Foster, Hagan, & Brooks-Gunn, 2008). Jeffery Arnett (2004) defines adolescence as the age group of the transitional period from childhood to early adult years mostly between 12 years to 18 years of age.

His theory about adolescence suggests that if anyone wants to understand this age group one needs to focus on five factors which are very common in these ages and hence mark a unique stage in life 1- identity explorations, 2- instability, 3- self-focus, 4- feeling in-between and 5- age of responsibilities. Erickson suggests this time to be of frequent change as various possibilities in relationships, self, academics, profession, and worldviews are explored. Later when one considers the most important events in life, they refer back to this age only (Martin & Smyer, 1990). Arnett suggests that this age of adolescence is where various directions are available and one has to opt among various possibilities than available at any other stage of life. When we look up for future directions and are exploring self and different options, stress, self-doubt, and fear are few common themes that affect us. (Peer & McAuslan, 2016) This time period is also linked with ongoing adjustment and it is important to consider as prolonged adjustment might relate to stress levels. (Frye & Liem, 2011).

Researchers have explored different stressors that impact adolescence, including life changes (e.g., the transition from childhood to emerging adults) and various stressors like bullying in school, adjusting to biological, hormonal, and emotional changes, economic hardship, and most importantly drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a developmental disease that usually begins in adolescence.

Most adolescents find it easier to take drugs and cope with their stresses but they don’t realize at that moment that they are going towards a more severe issue to cope for a much lesser issue but because they want instant gratification so they opt for drugs. They do realize what damages drugs cause to their physical, mental, and social health later in life but then they are so addicted to the drug that it is nearly impossible for them to get out of this addiction without any support. Drug addiction captures the dopamine framework. Perhaps you’ve heard that previously. I had. In any case, addiction is something beyond dopamine. It impacts the whole mind, primarily and synthetically. Drug addiction is heritable!

It’s anything but a person’s blemish; it is a constant illness.

Composed By: Azka Hasan

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