
Category Archives: you asked for it

Crucial Steps in Changing The Patterns That Affects You on an Emotional Level

Crucial Steps in Changing The Patterns That Affects You on an Emotional Level

Dear Dr. Sadaqat Ali, I am a female, i need your expert opinion for my extreme emotional compassionate behavior which is affecting my practice and day to day ,relationships ,i get too sincerely ,concern with people without ulterior motives who later on look at it from different aspect , and this feeling of been taken[…]

Unpleasant Father-Parent and Teenager Relationship

Unpleasant Father-Parent and Teenager Relationship

Dear Dr. Sadaqat Ali, Since childhood, my husband was trained to be responsible for more than typical, age-appropriate tasks—house cleaning and food shopping at age ten, providing personal hygiene care for an ill older brother at eighteen, etc. He has continued to demonstrate a greater-than-typical responsibility throughout his adult life. This has extended to providing “reminders” and[…]

Inculcating Good Study Habits in Your Children

Inculcating Good Study Habits in Your Children

Dear Dr. Sadaqat Ali, My son is a teenager he has recently taken admission in FC college, Lahore after his matriculation. I understand FSC Pre Medical is a difficult adjustment, however he simply refuses to take the responsibility for self study and time management. He has been tested for learning disabilities as well as emotional problems,[…]

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